Farm Town

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kebeco Nov 20 2009 07:15 PM

Thanks so much! Looking forward to utilizing all this new "stuff". You guys are great!

nubcakes Nov 20 2009 07:15 PM

We need more spaces to put up this new items :D

aunt loli Nov 20 2009 07:16 PM

Thanks for the added level, and items. I bought some things and they vanished but my money didnt return to me........................

JeanetteConsolver Nov 20 2009 07:16 PM

I am in the same boat - i have well over a million points - all my friends are at level 60 except me - I seem to be stuck at level 34!!!??!?! What can I do???

Deanna J. Lloyd Nov 20 2009 07:17 PM

Many thanks for all the improvements! Many, MANY thanks, in fact!!! Only one wish: Could we buy more land; perhaps as much as 30x30, in stages, of course. It would make buying and/or using all the new goodies so much more feasible!

Just a wish. Perhaps in the next version! I know those at higher levels are quite cramped already, and at level 30/33, I'm feeling pinched too.

Dana~Dane Nov 20 2009 07:17 PM

Then upgrade to bigger land...What is going on with harvesting? the only was you can get your coins for what you harvest is to harvest one at a time.... It you harvest a bunch you get the point for the first few, then after that it, it stops... So you have to harvest one at at time, that takes to long....Thanks for new things that were added...Love the new seeds and trees....Getting back to the harvesting issue, it this a new glitch or what? Please fix this, it is annoying...I don't know if others have notice this... Some are harvesting like maniacs, but wht they feel to realize is they didn't get paid for the job, which sucks, cause someone esle could have got those points...

Dezerai Nov 20 2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 2641618)
Hi There,

We just released a new version of FarmTown with additional levels and items.

10 new crops, including 4h, 8h and 12h crops.
10 new trees available on the store for higher levels
15 new items available to be sent as gift, including 7 non harvestable trees
80 additional items (coins and farm_cash)

We also reduced the XP gap between levels for levels higher than 26, now the gap could be up to 11000, versus 30000 before. For people on those levels, and people that were on level 34 for some time, their current level will be adjusted up based on their XP.

Some people are experiencing some back and forth changes on their current level, we are currently researching the problem.



wow nice.. have to visit my farm now :)

allow me 2 plow plz Nov 20 2009 07:17 PM

thanks rual i am experincing that problem with xp levels

dianne372 Nov 20 2009 07:17 PM

Thank you so much for all the new improvements!! I can't wait to see what is in store next :)

Molly Mew Nov 20 2009 07:17 PM

For those of you experiencing problems with the new release please post in this thread The thread linked here has been sent to the developers to review.

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