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Karen Lynn Ann Oct 14 2022 09:41 AM

Buying another farm
I have not played FT in years, I had forgot in how you buy your next farm? I only have 6, now I would like to buy my 7th. Thank you.

Taz D Oct 14 2022 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Karen Lynn Ann (Post 6513414)
I have not played FT in years, I had forgot in how you buy your next farm? I only have 6, now I would like to buy my 7th. Thank you.

Hi Karen,
I moved your post to the thread about land upgrades.

Go to the realtor office in the map (lower right corner of toolbar) from any farm. Then scroll to the bottom of the list of expansions and you will see a line for buying farm 7.

badcompany_78 Oct 21 2022 03:14 PM

quick question
I purchased the grass with the grid..
can you tell me where the center is? probably in regard to the farmer on the field since they seem to be in the middle somewhere? I'd love for the center and the center from the edges to have a different color so I can see what/where the center is
thank you for all the hard work!:D

Tiger Oct 21 2022 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by badcompany_78 (Post 6515270)
I purchased the grass with the grid..
can you tell me where the center is? probably in regard to the farmer on the field since they seem to be in the middle somewhere? I'd love for the center and the center from the edges to have a different color so I can see what/where the center is
thank you for all the hard work!:D

Hi badcompany_78,

That would differ depending on the size of the farm and of course would change if the farm wasn't fully expanded or if bigger land upgrades were bought

As for where the avatar could land, that also depends on what is on the farm and what is showing up in preferences, it doesn't always land exactly dead center.

If you would like to make a suggestion for some kind of indicator for where the center might be on any farm, you can do that in the suggestions area, here's the link:

sally south Nov 05 2022 01:28 AM

Any idea of when we may get a new farm?

Tiger Nov 05 2022 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by sally south (Post 6517486)
Any idea of when we may get a new farm?

Hi sally south,

I have moved your question to help and support for land upgrades as questions can't be answered in the suggestion area.

The next thing happening with farms will be the 58 x 58 farm expansions, so it's unlikely a new farm will be added soon.

Then if after that the developers decide that they will add a new farm in the future, you will find that out at the same time we do, when they announce it in a New Release.

MOM GLENDA Dec 04 2022 09:53 PM

i bought the 58x58 land for1-11.some of the reg plowing kept disappearing .then facebook took the game off hope this stops when the game comes back .wish you would give us new farms .we have to buy a lot of land for new farms.

Taz D Dec 04 2022 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by MOM GLENDA (Post 6521842)
i bought the 58x58 land for1-11.some of the reg plowing kept disappearing .then facebook took the game off hope this stops when the game comes back .wish you would give us new farms .we have to buy a lot of land for new farms.

Hi Mom Glenda,
I moved your post to thread about land upgrades as this has nothing to ddo with the current problem. When the game is back working then please post again here if there is a problem with your land as there isn't anything we can do to check on this currently.

ericanl51 Jan 09 2023 05:58 AM

I am not able to get expansions for all my farms through 15 as stated. For example, I cannot get the expansion for farm 4 or 11, yet I can get it for 32?? Also when I try to send gifts only 3 neighbors pop up on my list but I have 50 neighbors. I used to be able to send and receive gifts for all 50 but have not been able to since the shut-down and return. Thank you!

Tiger Jan 09 2023 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by ericanl51 (Post 6525726)
I am not able to get expansions for all my farms through 15 as stated. For example, I cannot get the expansion for farm 4 or 11, yet I can get it for 32?? Also when I try to send gifts only 3 neighbors pop up on my list but I have 50 neighbors. I used to be able to send and receive gifts for all 50 but have not been able to since the shut-down and return. Thank you!

Hi ericani,

Posts in the forum are organized by subject so I have moved your post to the thread about Land Upgrades as that is your first issue. When you have more than one issue on different subjects, please try to post them separately.

Farm expansions are released in original farm order. At some point you have rearranged your farm order so they are not longer in original farm order.

If you can not remember which farms you moved where, but still want them in the order you have currently have them in, go to the Farm Selector Manager in your tool box, make a note of the order your farms are currently in. When you have your list, then click the RESET button. This will put the farms back into the original order. Once you've finished upgrading you can change your farms back to whichever order you want.

For your gift issue, please click on this link and read the section on difficulties with gifting and see if there is anything listed there that you have not already tried. If those don't help with your gift issue please post in that thread:

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