Farm Town

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SeamsToBeSew Jul 17 2010 10:31 AM


Good job adding Farm 5, and the new stuff is very nice. However, I don't understand why the developers continue to ignore the issue of fishing. Many of us spent real money to buy a seafood facility that is largely useless because the fishing for ingredients is ridiculously cumbersome. If you took a poll, I'm certain a fishing net or boat would have been preferred over the tree shaker. It is still possible to get people to harvest your trees, but forget about hiring people to fish - they won't. Please, please, please add a net or a boat we can fish with.
If you saw the sheer amount of trees I have on every farm of mine (with the exception of farm 1 and 5 (these are the lowest amounts) you'd know that a fishnet would be nice for me, but the tree shaker is totally adored. :)

I actually do my own fishing, I never bother to hire people. I think it's getting harder to find people willing to plow.. Even harvesters do not want to do it. Drives me crazy. So I'm all for a faster plowing tool. drag and drop the crop in the whole farm I say.. :p

SeamsToBeSew Jul 17 2010 10:36 AM


all these suggestion plus many more are asked for over and over again by loads of people it would be nice if we could have a update that just included improvements with no factories.
You must have missed July 10th's update. There were absolutely no factories, they added a few features and fixed some glitches.

You have some great suggestions, you should put them in that topic of the forum.

DARLENEW Jul 17 2010 10:40 AM

Way to go, devs!!! Love the new land upgrade, needed more room for crops...just wish we had a sprinkler system...takes wayyyy to long to water flowers, but am not complaining.....THANKS!!!!!:D

J_Brisby Jul 17 2010 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by unacorn (Post 3730702)
I plan on making my first farm nothing but facilities so I can make the other all crops and trees. If I ever manage to get a tree shaker one farm will probably be nothing but different trees.

I do harvest all my trees myself since I do use them in facilities. Also harvest my own crops that facilities need.

I don't have extra money to buy coins or FC so i'm not going to worry about those facilities too much as much I want some of them.

With clever use of paths, you can cram an awful lot of facilities into a very small space. For an example, take a look at my farm Industrial Trees and Magic.

servocrow Jul 17 2010 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Molly Mew (Post 3731642)
I LOVE the edit tool.. even if it is kinda scary seeing a big yellow hand hovering over the farm.. :eek: hehehe.

Kinda like a Simpsons takeover, eh??? :D:eek: D'OH!

swd Jul 17 2010 10:59 AM

Love the new release, especially farm 5, thanks.

Old Goat Jul 17 2010 11:14 AM

Wunnerful, wunnerful, wunnerful! :) Thanks devs!
Has it been said yet?? ..... we need a sixth farm! :D

Meranna Jul 17 2010 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Toranut97 (Post 3731654)
Wow. You set the record, I believe, for immediate expression of dissatisfaction! Congratulations!!!

Thanks, developers. IT IS PERFECT IN MY VIEW!!!!!! Appreciate the efforts and immediately purchased some Farm Cash to show it!!!

"LUV" was the first word I used & NOWHERE did I say I was dissatisfied! Simply made an observation that crops we already had could have been included & mentioned one that many have asked for & would be both costly & long harvest time.

Not that it should matter but I also purchased $20 FCash. That should have no bearing on anyone's ability to make an observation or offer an opinion.

KathyKornerKrops Jul 17 2010 11:37 AM

Just wanted to say that FT is my favorite game on FB. I used to play others...but...forgetabout it now! I'm 100% addicted, ask my family! LOL
Thx Devs!!

Yankee GIrl Jul 17 2010 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 3729850)
Hey there,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes:

1. 5th Farm: Here are the prices in coins (the prices in farm cash remain the same)

12x12 Farm: 5000000
14x14 Upgrade: 2000000
16x16 Upgrade: 3000000
18x18 Upgrade: 4000000
20x20 Upgrade: 30000000
22x22 Upgrade: 40000000
24x24 Upgrade: 50000000

2. Tree Shaker Tool (FC): You can harvest up to 32 trees at once. If you harvest a few trees at once it consumes 1 Fuel, else it consumes 2 Fuel.

3. Natural Remedy Shop (coins): Allows you to produce herbal supplements like Ginger Powder, Basil Oil, Ginseng Roots, Aloe Vera Gel and others.

4. Furniture Factory (FC): Allows you to produce furniture from the bamboo logs, pine and oak lumbers and turkey feathers. The furnitures are Loveseats, Chests, TV Cabinets, Beach Sets and others.

5. Ginseng and Aloe Vera crops

6. You can now harvest the feathers of your turkeys and sell them or use them at the furniture factory

7. Edit Mode tool (Tool Box): The Yellow hand allows you to move and reorganize your farm much easier

8. The slowing issues when chopping trees should now be almost completely resolved



Love the yellow hand - -- it really is wonderful - thanks for it.

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