Farm Town

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karenjoy64 Apr 03 2010 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by countrygirl31995 (Post 3365346)
I have been anxiously waiting for level three, really working to build up coins to make the purchase and upgrades. I am so disappointed that I can't because i don't have enough neighbors. It just doesn't seem right and I am Soooo Very Sad!!!

too bad we can't buy farm cash for coins! even if it would cost us 10,000,000 coins to get the new farm! :)

fireman5214 Apr 03 2010 10:33 PM

yeah i have 20 neighbors.... im on myspace, it wont let u add more then 20 neighbors on myspace... am i screwed out of the 3rd farm now? i NEED that for the commercial development on my rural farm... it does NOT look right.. get rid of the 30 neighbro rule, thats a bunch of u know....:mad:

Double T Dude Ranch Apr 03 2010 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by fireman5214 (Post 3365682)
yeah i have 20 neighbors.... im on myspace, it wont let u add more then 20 neighbors on myspace... am i screwed out of the 3rd farm now? i NEED that for the commercial development on my rural farm... it does NOT look right.. get rid of the 30 neighbro rule, thats a bunch of u know....:mad:

No, for Myspace users, they only need 15 neighbors to buy the third land.

Markey Mark Apr 03 2010 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by diannene (Post 3362858)
Thank you for the 3rd farm. I had to start adding neighbors that I didn't know in the real world back when you first added the option to hire to plow. You needed 10 neighbors, I had several FB friends but a lot were not interested in Farm Town and most of my friends at my age don't do Face Book anyway. I have around 50 neighbors now. I have neighbors from all over the USA and the world. I have made some very good friends. There are were a couple of people I ended up taking off my FB freinds list. One drove me nuts always wanting my crops and another profile picture looked like porn. But it was easy enough to take them off and have nothing to do with after that. I really enjoy how happy it makes someone when I offer to be their neighbor.

I agree - I don't really have anything on my FB page that I'm all that worried about anyone seeing however I've had to delete some farmtown friends because of some of the stuff that gets posted. It's just as easy to delete someone as it is to add them.

Markey Mark Apr 03 2010 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Susan Carey (Post 3363254)
I can't find the proper place to post so I am going ahead and doing it here. I can't assist neighbors in their facilities. I click their link to help, go to the facility but there is no work button...what is the problem? any ideas?

Unfortunately, they have to "invite" you to work at their facilities. Once you see the invite on your facebook page (not on farmtown), then you click on it and it will take you to their farm.

shirl the pearl Apr 04 2010 12:16 AM

Will there be any more levels after 80

waldhexe Apr 04 2010 12:33 AM

Hello Raul

the 3rd farm is great. Tank you very much.

ngaitama Apr 04 2010 12:58 AM

3rd Farm
I have 180 neighbors level 70 and still cant buy 3rd farm. Even though I have all theses neigbors only 16 are showing on my list at the bottom. Please help:confused:

lulu836 Apr 04 2010 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by SleepyHallow (Post 3364582)
I have a idea that a few people that came here and gripe and complain are actually fans of another FB game..... and well they just like to stir things up..... you know what I mean....Not accusing...... not a bit.... just a my own random thoughts........

I'm definitely not trying to stir the pot. 30 neighbors is an almost impossible task for me. I have had 3 neighbors quit playing FT in recent days. I can do without the jioce bar and the chocolate stuff but a 3rd farm is my dream. I'm @ 80 so I'm not going to level up any time soon. Since I'm a retiree I can't waste real money to buy FC. I tried the app of the day once and got a virus and I have read the article about acquiring neighbors and then shutting them out of my FB information.

angelsmiles689 Apr 04 2010 07:42 AM

I am tired of filling out the offers to only have 99% of them claim you didnt do what yo are supposed to do. wont do any more its a waste of time

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