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marymarcel Jan 27 2024 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by dofford (Post 6572782)
By the way, I am using these tools on my farms and all the work I do as a Super Neighbour.
It also shows that I bought them in the records.
I never heard before to buy and put the tools on farms that are not heavily layered.
I bought all the tools at the same time and put them on the same farm and then put them to storage.
I think the ones that are missing, I was not able to put to storage, if I remember correctly.
But again, I am using all the new tools when working on my farms and all the farms I work as a Super Neighbor.
Thanks for your quick replay.

Hi dofford :)

The reason to not place new purchased items on a farm heavily layered is they could disappear as farms have a limit about how many things they can hold.

By the time I checked your data those tools were missing. If you didnt repurchase them using coins then Im not sure how you can use them on your farms.

As I told you brfore, you can contact Support if you wish. :)

dofford Jan 27 2024 09:12 PM

Missing Tools
That is the mystery.
I can and have used the missing tools when doing my farms and the farms accounts that I am the Super Neighbours on.
These tools show up on my tool kit display but not in my storage.
I have looked on all my farms and they don't show up on any of these.
They just don't work for my Super Neighbours working on my farms.

I have dropped Slash Key Support a not detailing my problem.

I am not spending another 150 FC on tools I have already bought.

I was just answering your reply.

Taz D Jan 27 2024 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by dofford (Post 6572878)
That is the mystery.
I can and have used the missing tools when doing my farms and the farms accounts that I am the Super Neighbours on.
These tools show up on my tool kit display but not in my storage.
I have looked on all my farms and they don't show up on any of these.
They just don't work for my Super Neighbours working on my farms.

I have dropped Slash Key Support a not detailing my problem.

I am not spending another 150 FC on tools I have already bought.

I was just answering your reply.

Hi Dofford,
You can use those tools on your own farms because they are showing in your toolbox for you. However, they do not show for anyone hired or working for you as a super neighbor, so they can't use them.
You will not be spending farm cash to repurchase them. Go to the store and for those tools you should see a button labeled Duplicate, not Buy. You click on the Duplicate button and will be buying them for coins, not Farm Cash. Support can not help you with this unless you want a refund of the coins for buying the duplicates.

Just be sure you buy them from and place them on a farm that is not heavily layered or they may disappear again.

dofford Jan 28 2024 01:33 AM


Thanks very much. That did fix the problem and just cost coins.
Years ago, if I made the mistake of buying a tool I already had, It would cost FC.
Or at least that is my recollection.
I am glad it just cost coins to fix and your instructions.
Much appreciated.

Kathyrdr Feb 11 2024 05:55 PM

I am confused about my fuel. When I go to the fuel station it says I have over 2 Million fuel I can use. When I go to my storage it says I have over 7 thousand. Why don't they agree. Shouldn't the amounts match? I want as much as possible in the fuel station for when I need to refuel.

Taz D Feb 11 2024 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kathyrdr (Post 6573826)
I am confused about my fuel. When I go to the fuel station it says I have over 2 Million fuel I can use. When I go to my storage it says I have over 7 thousand. Why don't they agree. Shouldn't the amounts match? I want as much as possible in the fuel station for when I need to refuel.

Hi Kathyrdr,
What you see in your storage are fuel tanks. Each fuel tank gives you 300 fuel when you refuel. In addition to what you get for your fuel tanks when you refuel, you get additional for your game level, neighbors, help given, and active neighbors.
You can find all this information in the Game Guide chapter 20 about fuel:

Kathyrdr Feb 11 2024 07:39 PM

thanks, that cleared it up. I never compared the totals before,lol

corogirl Feb 23 2024 03:42 PM

I am trying to add facilities to my farm 46 and the purple hand no longer lets me overlap. Why is this and is there a fix? I have to put all my facs side by side? I have used the memcache

Taz D Feb 23 2024 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by corogirl (Post 6574454)
I am trying to add facilities to my farm 46 and the purple hand no longer lets me overlap. Why is this and is there a fix? I have to put all my facs side by side? I have used the memcache

Hi Corogirl,
There could be two things preventing you from doing this. If that farm is layered then it is possible you have reached the maximum you can add to that farms. Or you may be trying to place a facility where something is already placed. To place an item on a farm with the purple hand you have to have a clear spot the size of a pine tree in order to set it down.

Zeeky Banutski Feb 29 2024 04:58 PM

I’m only putting this here because I don’t know where to put it…I read the Help & Support post on “plowing/seeding/harvesting” but it seemed to suggest that only legitimate “problems” be posted there.

My question is - didn’t the developers provide some tools that were better suited to “layered” farms?

I know you’ll move this post to wherever it belongs…thanks!

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